ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is an essential part of any layer-2 network. ARP allows switches to resolve a host’s MAC address to its IP address. Since switches communicate at layer-2, a host’s MAC address must be known by the switch for the switch and the host to form a connection.
An example of configuring ARP inspection is given below,
FLEX24-10G# configure terminal
FLEX24-10G(config)# ip arp inspection
FLEX24-10G(config)# ip arp inspection translate
FLEX24-10G(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
FLEX24-10G(config-if)# no ip arp inspection trust
FLEX24-10G(config-if)# ip arp inspection check-vlan
FLEX24-10G(config-if)# ip arp inspection logging all
FLEX24-10G(config-if)# end
FLEX24-10G# copy running-config startup-config
Building configuration...
% Saving 2049 bytes to flash:startup-config
Refer to the Admin Guide for all the advanced settings available in the switch. You’ll find additional resources like the Datasheet, Admin Guide, A&E spec sheet, etc on the product page here.
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