MVRP and GVRP are protocols used to distribute VLANs from one switch to another. The Multiple Registration Protocol (MVRP) is the successor to the GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP).
From a basic level, MVRP allows network devices such as switches and bridges to exchange information with each other. Information commonly exchanged via MVRP is VLAN identities and multicast group memberships.
Enabling GVRP Globally
GVRP is enabled globally from Global Configuration mode as follows:
CLEER24-10G# configure terminal
CLEER24-10G(config)# gvrp
CLEER24-10G(config)# gvrp time join-time 2 leave-time 100 leave-all-time 3000
CLEER24-10G(config)# gvrp max-vlans 100
%% Failed to configure the number of VLANs managed by GVRP.
% (The GARP application is currently enabled - disable it in order to configure its
CLEER24-10G(config)# no gvrp
CLEER24-10G(config)# gvrp max-vlans 100
CLEER24-10G(config)# gvrp
CLEER24-10G(config)# end
CLEER24-10G# copy running-config startup-config
Building configuration...
% Saving 2018 bytes to flash:startup-config
Enabling MVRP Globally
MVRP is enabled globally from Global Configuration mode as follows:
CLEER24-10G# configure terminal
CLEER24-10G(config)# mvrp
CLEER24-10G(config)# mvrp managed vlan 10,20,30
CLEER24-10G(config)# end
CLEER24-10G# copy running-config startup-config
Building configuration...
% Saving 2070 bytes to flash:startup-config
Refer to the Admin Guide for all the advanced settings available in the switch. You’ll find additional resources like the Datasheet, Admin Guide, A&E spec sheet, etc on the product page here.
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