Voice VLANs provide a means for voice traffic and data traffic to travel along the same network cable while being members of separate VLANs. An access port is typically only capable of supporting traffic belonging to a single VLAN. Voice VLANs are the exception to this rule, allowing an access VLAN and voice VLAN to belong to a single interface while keeping the VLANs separate A Voice VLAN can be applied to an interface when a compatible VoIP device is detected. If the endpoint’s MAC address contains an OUI which matches a CLEER24-10G OUI entry, the Voice VLAN will be applied to the interface.
Commands to configure a Voice VLAN
CLEER24-10G# configure terminal
CLEER24-10G(config)# voice vlan
CLEER24-10G(config)# voice vlan aging-time 555555
CLEER24-10G(config)# voice vlan class 6
CLEER24-10G(config)# voice vlan vid 500
CLEER24-10G(config)# voice vlan oui 22-22-22 description Demo OUI
CLEER24-10G(config)# end
CLEER24-10G# copy running-config startup-config
Building configuration...
% Saving 2466 bytes to flash:startup-config
Commands to enable at the interface level
CLEER24-10G# configure terminal
CLEER24-10G(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
CLEER24-10G(config-if)# switchport voice vlan mode force
CLEER24-10G(config-if)# switchport voice vlan discovery-protocol both
CLEER24-10G(config-if)# switchport voice vlan security
CLEER24-10G(config-if)# end
CLEER24-10G# copy running-config startup-config
Building configuration...
% Saving 2547 bytes to flash:startup-config
Refer to the Video tutorial to know more about enabling VLANs and Trunking on the 10G switches.
Refer to the Admin Guide for all the advanced settings available in the switch. You’ll find additional resources like the Datasheet, Admin Guide, A&E spec sheet, etc on the product page here.
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