This indicates a potential low line voltage issue. Power to the receiver hub may be inadequate. Failure of the hub to correct polarity is also an indication that low line voltage should be investigated. What is happening is when the NV-1672 powers up, the processor goes through its start-up routine. Part of that routine is to exercise the LEDs. First, all red LEDs are turned on, then all amber, then all green, then it goes into normal operation. Amber is obtained by turning on both the red and the green LEDs, which is a maximum current situation. With a low AC mains voltage, this extra current pulls the processor's already supplied voltage below its minimum, and it halts. That is why the gain and polarity reversal is also failing, and why the LEDs remain stuck at amber. AC mains voltage needs to be in the 115V range. Confirm this with a multimeter. Correction of this problem on an installation site will require an electrician's help.
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